Brethren of St Lawrence District
I have begun a major step in my, and I hope your, masonic journey. I have the great privilege of representing the Grand Master thanks to the officers and brethren of Lansdowne Lodge and you my brethren by electing me as St Lawrence District Deputy Grand Master.
The post pandemic period has and will be impactful to the craft and many changes are afoot to ensure that the rich legacy handed to us continues well into the future. The pillars of ritual, education and mentorship will continue to be our focus and with your support and humble confidence in our leaders we shall continue to guard the west gate, provide relief and seek truth in all our endeavors.
I am excited and look forward to meeting you all in your lodges throughout this coming year and together I hope we can leave the craft in a state better than we found it today. In the words of the great masonic scholar Albert Pike.. “We masons are among the fortunate ones who are taught to meet together with others opposing convictions or competitive ideas and yet respect each other as brothers.”
Most Sincerely & Fraternally
R. W. Bro. David Grant Wilkins
D.D.G.M. St. Lawrence District