W. Bro. Bud Smith
W.Brother Bud Smith passed away this morning, Monday Sept. 11, 2023, visitation will be at Barclay Funeral Home in Brockville Thursday evening from 5 P.M. til 8 P.M followed by a Masonic service at 8 P.M. Bud was a 65 year Mason and served as Lodge treasurer for the past 35 years. Family says in lieu of flowers, donations to Lyn Lodge no. 416 would be Buds wishes. Funeral is at Barclay Funeral home Friday at 11 AM.
Memorial service to be held Saturday April 8th, 2023, 12 Noon, at The Brockville Masonic Temple
Please gather at the Brockville Masonic Temple @ 11:30 AM:
Masons are asked to assemble in the downstairs area prior to the service, full Regalia please.